The US based motorcycle manufacturer as its first move to set its footprint in India will launch the UM Renegade Commando – at the the Indian Auto Expo to be held in New Delhi early next year. The model will be available in two variants. It comes with 300cc single cylinder engine with 5 speed manual gearbox. With the global model 2016 coming with advanced features like blind spot mirrors and USB charing point, it is hopeful that these are incorporated in the India launch as well.
The company has its eyes on a larger market share post launch phase and plans to have a manufacturing unit in India. It has signed a JV with Lohia Auto to form a new company UML with a 50-50 percent partnership deal. To begin with UL plans to manufacture 1 lakh units annually at Lohia Auto’s existing facility in Kashipur, Uttarkhand and then later utilise its Indian plant as an export hub in future as production starts in full capacity.
UM Motorcycles plans to bag more than 50 dealerships following the launch, it already has 5 dealerships appointed.